Livable City Year

May 3, 2017

University of Washington, City of Tacoma announce Livable City Year partnership for 2017-2018

The University of Washington’s Livable City Year (LCY) program has selected the City of Tacoma as the program’s community partner for the 2017-2018 academic year. This partnership establishes a yearlong relationship connecting students and faculty with city staff working on projects that advance goals outlined in its One Tacoma: Comprehensive Plan and Tacoma2025 strategic visioning…

April 15, 2017

Livable City Year celebration event May 24

Livable City Year spring celebration Join faculty and students from the University of Washington and representatives from the City of Auburn for an event celebrating the successful completion of the UW Livable City Year inaugural partnership between the UW and Auburn. When: May 24th, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Where: Auburn Community & Event Center, 910…

March 15, 2017

First University of Washington Livable City Year project reports delivered to the City of Auburn

Teams of University of Washington students have been working throughout this academic year on livability and sustainability projects in the City of Auburn. The yearlong Livable City Year partnership has given students a chance to work on real-world challenges identified by Auburn, while providing Auburn with tens of thousands of hours of study and student…

February 7, 2017

UW Sustainability LCY fall projects wrapping up, winter projects in full force

UW Livable City Year continues to tackle livability projects through year-long partnership with Auburn This winter, University of Washington students are working to help the City of Auburn to prevent and reduce food waste in school cafeterias; research the costs, challenges and benefits of low-impact development stormwater technology; and better connect Auburn's residents socially, culturally,…

December 13, 2016

2017-2018 Municipal Partner Request for Proposals

University of Washington’s Livable City Year Program is looking for municipal partners to host the 2017-2018 program The University of Washington’s Livable City Year initiative is now accepting proposals from cities, counties, special districts and regional partnerships to be partners during the 2017-2018 academic year. UW Livable City Year (UW LCY) connects University of Washington…

October 4, 2016

First Livable City Year projects underway

From UW News: Not even a week has passed since the start of the quarter, and already a group of University of Washington public health students is deep into discovering the cultural flavor and identity of each neighborhood in a nearby city. The project is a sizeable challenge: Students will pour over census and public…

September 15, 2016

Livable City Year kickoff event

Join faculty, students and representatives from the City of Auburn for an event celebrating the start of the inaugural UW Livable City Year, a partnership between the University of Washington and Auburn. When: Oct. 6, 10 to 11 a.m. Where: wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House on the UW Seattle campus What: Livable City Year is a…

August 30, 2016

University of Washington and City of Auburn launch first Livable City Year partnership

The University of Washington has begun a yearlong partnership with the City of Auburn, under the new Livable City Year program. UW students and professors will work with the City of Auburn to advance the city’s goals for livability and sustainability throughout the upcoming academic year. In this inaugural year, UW faculty will lead classes…